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I’m looking forward to making a new memory this weekend now that I'm 46. I wrote this after my participation in The Vagina Monologues in February. Please join us this weekend at The Whaling Church Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 p.m. You won't regret it!

With deepEST gratitude to Eve Ensler — dedicated to “The Clitorati”

Memory. . .45 years old

I’m sitting on stage together with powerful women

and their coochie snorchers

and we are separate yet one.

I’m feeling excited and nervous and ready.

I speak, I scream, I moan. . .

but really what I want to do is cry from the intensity of it all.

My heart is so full of emotion:

of love,

of wanting,

of receiving,

of connection,

that a few tears can’t help but seep out of the corners of my eyes and wet my cheeks.

Then later, the next morning,

I feel . . .

tired and bruised,

open and alive

and the full release comes.

I am sobbing in gratitude,

my living breathing

heart and vagina

are mine and yours

and all of us together.

Our connection has lifted me into a kind of heaven.

I love you all!

Jennifer Knight